Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence:

George III decided to suppress the revolt of the colonies by use of force. He strengthens his military power by hiring German soldiers. But such a step blurred the possibility of compromise and independence seemed to be inevitable. The Americans fought the war under the command of George Washington. Up to June 1776, the British army weighed heavy against the American resistance. The American leaders soon perceived that foreign aid was essential, but it could not be had until America severed its relations with England. Therefore, the representatives who had gathered in Philadephia declared the independence of 13 colonies on July 4, 1776, and approved the Declaration of Independence there.

The main purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to reveal the fact that the public is empowered to change a government that deprives people of their natural rights. It was emphasized in the Declaration of Independence that, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” A specific doctrine that the public is the source of power (sovereignty) was formulated in the Declaration and it was asserted that the public was fully empowered to elect the government of its choice. It was also stated in the Declaration that the British government inflicted cruelties on colonies. It was dictated in the Declaration, that “On behalf of the citizens of all colonies, we, the representatives of the United States of America submit humbly to the supreme Justice of the world that we are now citizens of a free state. With it, we have redeemed ourselves from entire loyalty to the Emperor at the moment and now no political relation exists between England and the colonists. Hence, we are free to take authoritative decisions independently in all matters of war, peace, truce, and business which are the rights of an independent state.”

Important Links:

Ideas and Principles
Negligible Interference by British Government
No Affection for England in the American Colonies
Development of Intellectual Awareness
The Colonists Love for Freedom
Impact of Seven Years War
Economic Exploitation of the Colonies
Greenville Policy
Rockingham Declaratory Act
Townshend Tax Project
Lord North Tea Policy
Intercontinental Conference of the Congress
Independence War of USA Significant Events
Paris Pact September 3, 1783
The Constitution of America
Causes of the Failure of the English
Nature of the Independence War of USA
American Revolution or American War of Independence